Player Clubs/Leagues Who I've Worked With


My name is Abraham Armas born in Mexico and raised in Texas, USA most of my life. 

I grew up loving the game and the aspect of "hard work." Actually, I was OBSESSED with the training because of the progress I would see regularly. Unfortunately, the only thing I found were good American football and mediocre footballer (soccer) programs. I still remember the first gym program I followed at age 18 in 2013. It was called "The Cristiano Ronaldo Program" which I found on a bodybuilding website. Looking back that was the WORST program I've ever done. The catchy name got to my ignorant and uneducated self. To this day I see similar programs called, "The Kylian Mbappé Program," which aren’t suited for footballers or an athlete at that. Some of the bad things I’ve seen include 20 rep box jumps for 5 sets followed by 4 sets of 15 reps of back squats with a 20 min hamstring stretch at the end. If you don't know what's wrong with the reps/format you’re not alone. There is a lot of bad and outdated information out there.

I sought to provide FREE information on YouTube and Instagram. You can find everything you need to create a great gym program from just my channel. It will obviously take time to learn.

I started training professional athletes right off the bat during my first internship in a well-respected performance center in Dallas, TX. After a few years of education, traveling for temp jobs, and lots of coaching I officially started Armas Strength and Conditioning LLC in March 2020.

Online, I sold no programs until late 2019/early 2020 when an aspiring pro reached out and asked me to create a program. The thought of selling programs was never on my mind before then.

Now, I offer many services online which include in-season, off-season, and custom plans. Today, I continue to serve much promising youth and professional athletes.

Welcome to Armas Strength and Conditioning.